5 Key FAQs and Answers About Network Time Servers
In modern times, we always have the correct exposure time. We thought when we check our computers, our phones or other electronic devices at the right time. There are, of course, the world of technology, the science behind the timing, many people find themselves questioning process. If you find that you need to understand this process, check out these five network time servers FAQ.
1. Network time server is?
In essence, the source server or reference time, atomic clocks or GPS is set up to take the course and pass the information to the computer networks NTS allows a computer system different to run the bases. at the same time that data is sent correctly. This is a computer system that is part of a very important, if not the most important, because a strict schedule and active efforts to keep them in.
2. NTP is?
Network Time Protocol NTP demonstrates the NTP clock synchronization is one of a group of computer dictation. The objective of the NTP is carried out while most of the reference systems. It depends on the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which is commonly used schedules worldwide. It is noteworthy that the NTP time synchronization try milliseconds. This is the time of the application server, the most popular in the world.
3. Why do you need to have NTS?
The most important reason is to keep the network time servers to embedded systems so that the network continues to function efficiently and correctly. Embedded systems are electronic products work. However, do not use an actual computer. Embedded systems are functions which are not all computers are cheaper and easier to produce NTS embedded system allows communication reference time, which reduces costs.
4. The difference between the atomic clock and NTS is?
Maintain accurate atomic clocks is to use atomic timekeeping devices. Typical atomic clock is the most accurate timing because they rely on electronic transition frequency. These GPS devices are most commonly used. Usually, network time servers are based on the atomic clock time reading. The atomic clock server to take more time and ensure that all other applications running according to plan.
5. How to manage the network?
As with other computer systems, regularly scheduled backups should be maintained. If the server can not synchronize multiple networks, embedded systems may fail. In addition, these networks may be vulnerable to outside attack. The monthly maintenance is at least worthy of recommendation. The system should track record of the time stamp and check if there is an error the first time. Ownership is vital to any NTS should be secured network and is updated regularly.
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